Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Increasing Teachers's Competence in Learning Process ICT Based for SMK October 2, 2011

Generally, this activity aimed to increase teachers ability in using and developing interactive material based ICT.
Specifically, by the end of the activity, all participants should be able :

1. Understanding TIK for education
2. Understanding the integrated learning concept of TIK
3. Designing presentation
4. Using Internet for learning
5. Knowing application tool in designing a presentation
6. Designing material of presentation
7. Creating simple educative blog

2 komentar:

  1. thats good writing sist..but where do u get it? the way dont 4get to mancabuik my alis tunait ya...

  2. from the schedule sheet..hohohoho...don't worry..cabuik mancabuik is my skill....^_^
